It might be a little confusing, but Essex Dev aren’t limited to just development and programming services. The way I see it, logos and branding are the first step towards developing a company image. A chance to make a strong first impression to potential customers, and the perfect tool to set your company apart from competitors.

Logo design services with Essex Dev start with an honest and open conversation and some fact finding about where your brand currently is, and where you want it to be. Once I have enough information, I’ll create three logo concepts and present them to you, at which point you’ll make a choice regarding which logo design to push forward.

Finally, I’ll develop your chosen logo further with any tweaks and adjustments you might request, and provide some mockups on how the logo could be used on things like business cards, websites or shop fronts.
You’ll be provided with your final logo design file in various industry standard file formats, and you’ll hold the complete rights to the design.